Movies, Filim, Cinemas, Songs and Entertainment

Australlias's Top Cinema is Hoyts I think  haha kidding, Hoyts Carousal is the Largest Big Cinema is Western Australia. You can get there huge range of movies, drinks also pop cones.

Get Discount on tickets of New Release.
They play also Bollywood Hollywood Australian and also Asian Movies.
On the Shopping Centre You can get thousand of brands of cloths.
 Also Restaurants get there discounts and also there is branch of almost Australian Banks

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie Oye Oye Oye

wow what a nice saying, but my frens says Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, ___ ____ ____
nothing after him people says Oye Oye and Oye,
WTF why they all say it at one time and toghter?
Male Clothing
Wtf why we mans where cloth even when womens like a naked man hhaha

oh come on. why the girls where short cloths, even when we want the to where more and more shorter cloths.

Cinemas, Movies, Show, Concerts, Curcus!

I love Cinemas and movies, they are in my blood. I like movies Speacially 2010 and 2011 also 2012!
I have spend more then 5000, 000, 000 AUD  on watching movies. Uh what to say i am in love them.
haha THOR movie is coming, i may go o watch it!

Show I also love Shows actuelly the are in my blood. but i didn't go for even a singal show lol, any i am lei so cheers people!

Concert i like concert the are in my heart! but Alas i missed the last show too. fuck it!

Curcus, i hate curcus because i was perfoming there, and i won the title Mr Olympia, and 23 time Mr. World. and never get the title of Mr Australia. any ways I am willing to get that also haha chears.
Bulllying =]

How to be reach!!

If u really wanna be reach, then you have to flow some simple steps.
  1. Always save money even if it is a singal cent!
  2. Buy a good cloth which will last for two years. which means you don't need to buys cloths every months!
  3. If you are a car user then insted of using petrol use gas, which is very cheep and efficeint!
  4. Always apply for a good job, be honest and work over time!
  5. Please don't spent your money on hair dresser, you can learn online how to have good hair cut by your own self.
  6. And don't go for movies!
  7. And Also don't eat food on resturants!
  8. After work at home don't use Air-con, insted of using a bulb use light of the T.V. Save Electercity!
  9. Always cook such kind of food, which will cooked earlier and soon. So in this way you can also save gas.
  10. In winter take a bath with cold water, so you save the money.
  11. And also in summer don't use fridge a lot. use it only 2 -3 houres!

Belive me now i am  a millioner! I did it for about 5 years and see where are i am now!
Before I was a cleaner! and now I am the owner of Westpec Bank. Chears =)